Remotelync - HowTo
Video Transcoder tab
This is where you would queue up your cutups to be transcoded
- Once you have decided if you are going to pull your video from a local location or the XOS media servers you can select the videos you want to process.
- Select the folder(s) you want to publish to.
- Once you have customized any optional settings click the "Process Video" button
- {Optional Settings}
Transcode Queue tab
This is where you see the progress of all your cutups before and while they are being processed
Tip 1. If a cutup is getting stuck you can rearrange it to the bottom to allow your other cutups to be processed until the reason for your cutup to get hung-up can be addressed.
Tip 2. If you need to remove a cutup from the queue, just scroll over to the right of the table and hit the trash can icon.
Upload Queue and Completed Queue tabs
These tabs will show you the progress of the cutups being uploaded and then completed
Side Note: If you are processing files to output locally then after transcoding a file will go directly to the completed queue rather then sitting in the Upload Queue
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