Team Manager - Creating Courses
Only Members with specific admin-level privileges can publish and manage course content. Courses loaded in to Team Manager must be published as Tin Can (xAPI) packages. This is a publishing option from course authoring software that allows the course to speak the same “language” as Team Manager and pass valuable information, such as answers, scores, and completion data, from your course back to Team Manager.
PlayerLync does not endorse or recommend one authoring software over another. That being said, there are many course publishing platforms available. Some popular options include Articulate Storyline, Articulate Rise 360, and Adobe Captivate.
As an example, Articulate Storyline 3 you will do the following steps to output to Tin Can (xAPI):
- On the main toolbar, go to the Home tab, then Publish. You’ll see the Publish screen.
- Select LMS on the left
- Select Tin Can API as the LMS Output Option
- Click Publish
- When the course is done publishing, zip the file
If using content created for you from a third party, ask them to provide you files as a Tin Can package.
Important Note: PlayerLync does not support SCORM courses as the SCORM standard was replaced by xAPI over 10 years ago.
To create a new course:
- OPTION 1: If you are uploading this course for the first time, click the Add Course button. You will be taken to the Upload/Publishing Tin Can xAPI Courses screen.
- OPTION 2: If you or an Admin Portal admin have already published the course to the PlayerLync app through content publishing, because you want it to be available within the app as well as Team Manager, but have not yet assigned it through Team Manager, you can select it from the drop-down and click the Add Course button. If you choose this option, skip to the next step.
- At the Upload/Publishing Tin Can xAPI Courses screen, select how you want the course published.
There are three options:
Training Queue - Choose this option when you want to use this course in the Training Queue and/or Courses tab, but do not want members to be able to access it from within the PlayerLync app. When you choose this option, you’ll still select a column to publish the content in the PlayerLync app. It will NOT be visible in the selected column - this is just so there is a place for the content to reside on the app.
Publish to Devices/Web - Choosing this option will allow the course to be used in Team Manager AND be visible within the app to all members. This option gives members the ability to access the course content without it necessarily being tracked. However, if the course is assigned to the member and they complete it within the app, they will receive completion credit within Team Manager.
Publish to Group/Web - Choosing this option will allow the course to be used in Team Manager AND be visible within the app, but only to chosen groups. This option gives members the ability to access the course content without having it be tracked. Again, if the course is assigned to the member and they complete it within the app, they will receive completion credit within Team Manager.
- No matter which option is chosen, the Tin Can xAPI course content will be loaded to the PlayerLync app. This minimizes buffering issues and allows the member to access the content offline. It will be visible in this section in the Admin Portal.
- Once uploaded, you will go back to the Tin Can Course tab and select the uploaded course from the drop-down, and then click the Add Course button and continue with the course configuration process.
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