Admin - Devices - Adding, Removing & Registering
Devices in your PlayerLync Admin Portal provide two primary purposes. Devices help maintain security of your content by ensuring the hardware communicating with your PlayerLync environment is authorized by your organization. Devices also assists with reporting on information related to the hardware and how content is received and consumed by Members.
Search - Search the device name, serial number, or description.
Include Sub-Orgs - Includes devices for the organization level selected in the Org Tree to the left as well as those below that level.
Sort the table columns - Clicking column headings in the device table to sorts the data ascending or descending.
After you have selected a device and clicked on it, the following buttons are available for that device...
Edit - This will open the device details and allow you to alter
UnLync - If you need to recycle or reuse a DeviceID, you will need to unlync it to allow the ID to be used again
Move - Use this option to move the device to another organization in your Org Tree
Delete - This will delete the device.
Devices - This will bring you back to the list of devices on the main screen
- Each physical device using a PlayerLync application (regardless of platform) will need to be registered in the Devices list before a member will be able to login and use the application. If one member is using two separate devices to access PlayerLync, each device will need it's own entry.
- Registering a device means associating a serial number (also called a DeviceID) to each device being used in the system
- DeviceIDs can be recycled and reused providing they are not currently in use with an active device
- Select the location in the org tree for which you wish to add a device
- Navigate to the Devices tab
- Click the + button in the top right to add a device
- The following fields are required to create a device...
- Serial Number - This has to be a unique value in your PlayerLync environment. Although this field is labeled "Serial Number" (and you can use the actual serial number), you can alternatively enter any unique value here, such as an inventory number or organizational asset tag.
- Device Label - Though technically not required, a value in this field is very useful from a reporting and viewing perspective looking at the device list of the Devices tab. Along with the Description field, this can be used to list the name of the member or team of people assigned the device. Recommended options for a naming convention here include:
- "Joann Holliday - iPad" or "Ralph Holliday - iPhone"
- "Joann Holliday - iPad" or "Ralph Holliday - iPhone"
- If you wish to fill in the remaining fields, please do so then click ADD
Once a device has been added here, you are able to use the DeviceID to Lync your device to your PlayerLync environment.
- Once the PlayerLync application has been installed on a device, go ahead and launch the app
- During the initial setup process you will be asked for a DeviceID or SerialNumber. Enter the value you setup in the above steps and tap SAVE
That's it! You will now see the device show in the Devices list with a green PlayerLync Lync'd icon signifying the device has been successfully attached to your PlayerLync environment.
Learn more about registering devices using a Mobile Device Manager with Auto Device Registration.
Deleting a device from your PlayerLync environment means the device will no longer be able to communicate with PlayerLync and will no longer allow a Member to login, even if they are an administrator.
- Navigate to the Devices menu and locate the device you want to remove
- Select the device and click the Delete button
Note: See below on how to restore a device
Devices that have been deleted from the platform can be found in the Trash. Undeleting a device will allow the same DeviceID to be used with a new device.
- From the Devices screen, click on the Trash button in the top right corner
- Find the Device you wish to restore and open it
- From here you can choose to restore the device and re-use the DeviceID
Note: Devices in the Trash do not count against your PlayerLync Device count.
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